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Steel Mace

Adjustable Mace Full Body 360 Workout

Posted by Jon Banks on

In this week’s video, I’ll guide you through a full-body workout utilizing our Adjustable Maverick Mace.

Perform 12 reps of each exercise back-to-back, followed by a 90-second rest before starting your next round.

The goal of this workout is to challenge yourself to complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) within a 20-minute window.

  1. Switch 360:
  • Start with the mace in rack position, using both hands.
  • Swing the mace in a 360 motion, switching hands as it passes over your shoulders.
  • Keep your triceps relaxed during the backward swing.
  1. 360 into Side Lunge:
  • Swing the mace in a 360 motion, then step sideways as the mace approaches.
  • Lower into a side lunge, maintaining a forward torso.
  • Alternate sides to ensure balance.
  1. 360 Spinning Uppercut:
  • Begin with a 360 swing while maintaining proper form.
  • Follow up with a rotational uppercut, stepping through as you punch.
  • Repeat on both sides, maintaining a steady rhythm.
  1. 360 Front Squat:
  • Execute a 360 swing, adjusting your grip as needed for stability.
  • Descend into a front squat, emphasizing good form and depth.
  • Switch sides while keeping control of the mace.
  1. 360 into Archer:
  • Perform a 360 swing, adjusting your grip so your thumb faces the mace head.
  • Extend one arm outward while pulling the other in toward your body.
  • Alternate sides, aiming for consistent shoulder height.
  1. 360 Reverse Lunge:
  • Start with a 360 swing, then step back into a reverse lunge.
  • Keep tension on the mace throughout the movement, focusing on form and equilibrium.
  • Alternate sides with each repetition.

Introduction of the Maverick Mace: An affordable, fast-loading, practical adjustable mace made of bamboo, known as the Maverick Mace.

The Maverick Mace are traditional Indian Clubs that can be loaded with any size Olympic weight.

The Adjustable Maverick Mace is the longest at 109 cm, followed by the Maverick Torque at 80 cm, and the shortest being the Maverick Club at 60 cm.

The Maverick Mace has a sleeve thickness of 50 mm to fit any Olympic weight, with a 35 mm thick handle for better grip. It weighs 2.5 kg empty, with additional weight blocks provided, totaling 3 kg, suitable for beginners and advanced lifters.

Designed for both flow workouts and traditional exercises like 360s and 10 and 2s, with a smooth transition between the sleeve and handle for flow exercises.

The Maverick Mace bamboo Indian Clubbell is available for purchase on various platforms including the website, Amazon, eBay, and Etsy.